Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who is Jesus? Day 4

Alas, good things have to come to an end. It was the last of the four days of Rev Tong's gospel rally. During the past three days, we have indeed witnessed God using his servant mightily. How he gives his very best to serve, how he puts in his best efforts and energy into this sermons, the life, the fire in his heart, the zealousness...

Before his actual sermon, he welcomed the audience and proceeded to ask a few questions. When he asked how many of the congregation Christians attended the rally for the first time tonight, which was the last night, a large proportion raised their hands. Soon after, the stadium clapped their hands. I suppose because many felt that it was their first night here, hence to welcome them or if its a fresh pair of ears to listen to Rev Tong. The clapping of hands was quickly stopped by Rev. Tong. He was not at all praising of the clapping of hands for these first timers. He rebuked Singapore churches for being in such a deprived state, that whenever we see people, we immediately rejoice, without concerning on the quality of their spiritual lives.

Such a gospel rally comes once around in many years and yet there are many whom do not cherish these opportunities. Rev. Tong did not cut short his words of rebuke just to gain the favor of men. By God's strength and the rebuke of the Holy Spirit, let us do the same too, starting from now in this transcript, not hiding anything which might seem rebuking to man but rather, more concerned about the avoidance of the rebuking of God.

His emphasis was definitely on the deprived state of Singapore churches, so cold and death. He was deeply saddened. He asked the congregation if they felt that the past night's rallies had been successful, not the sermon, but the turnout. I believe no one could truly say yes as there was far too many vacant seats in the stadium, to little proportion of new friends, too haphazard an attitude in our worship to this One True God.

After his lectures, he started his sermon proper...

From Aceh to Medan, i traveled in a car with my luggage on the top. I was afraid that my luggage would get stolen during breaks among the journey. So i consulted my driver. We were then in the Muslim region. The driver said that the luggage was safe here. Upon entering the Christian region, i asked again but this time, to my horror, the driver did not give the same comment.

In the Christian region, there were many sins, downfalls of man. There were Christian prostitutes. They grew up in Christian families, but their lives did not reflect their beliefs. A belief which did not connect to a rational mind, that this belief is to be rationally believed, pondered and lived out.

Who is Jesus? No one in history has anyone been so good, so righteous, so holy. Jesus never compromised with religious leaders of his during his age. We cannot find these qualities in Socrates, Lao-Zi, Confucius or Mohammed.

No one has ever spoken like Jesus did. He spoke of things transcending time and space.

Rev. Tong told the story about Auguste Comte, the French philosopher, and Thomas Carlyle, the Scottish essayist. Comte said he was going to start a new religion that would supplant the religion of Christ. It was to have no mysteries and was to be as plain as the multiplication table; its name was to be positivism. "Very good, Mr. Comte," Carlyle replied, "very good. All you will need to do will be to

1. speak as never a man spoke, and

2. live as never a man lived, and be crucified, and

3. rise again the third day, and get the world to believe that you are still alive. Then your religion will have a chance to get on."

Thomas saw the divinity of Jesus. Jesus spoke and did things no one else have ever done. Unlike Christians, they may look good during church, yet at work might be more unscrupulous than others. Christ manifested himself as God.

John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 5:18 - "For this cause therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God."

John 8:24 - "I said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins."

John 8:58 - "Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.'"

The Jews during the time of Jesus believed that he violated the 1st of the 10 commandments. "I am the Lord your God." They believed that he was blaspheming by proclaiming himself as God. But Jesus replied in John 8, "I have told you the truth, and hence you want to kill me." Man does not want the truth. The corrupt government does not want the truths of its corruption to be leaked out. The adulterous husband does not want the truth of his mistress leaking out. Most are afraid of the truth. Chen Shui Bian bought a high quality paper shredder and got rid of all evidences of his acts. Jesus "I have told you the truth, and hence you want to kill me."

In a bid to hide the truth, we cover ourselves with cultures, false moralities. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is near, Repent!"

Even Gandhi, every morning, would read chapters 5-7 Matthew (Why not you try reading it too!). He particular adored Jesus's teaching on the sermon on the mount. If Jesus is a lunatic, how would he bear fruits of goodness and righteousness? These same fruits have been bored by many other Christians. Some great characters in the history of man. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was a Christian. He loved his country, loved his people, hence pursued democracy for his beloved country. His democracy was as a result of the influence he had from the reformed theology in the bible.

If today, you only recognize Jesus's morality, but not his divinity, you do not yet truly know him.

All other great religious leader died buried. Only Jesus, died, resurrected and lived forever.

The thought of resurrection has never been brought out before by any other religion.

Some may say that death is the final destiny for us. If death is the final end, what is the purpose in my fighting so hard in my life?

Hence in man's consciousness, God has implanted the sense of eternity. He did not do so in animals, who live just to eat and act on their sexual instincts.

God created us not just for our temporal pleasures, but for eternal hope.

Jesus said "Because I live, you will live also."

He said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. The person who believes in me, even though he dies, will live."

He said, "There are many rooms in my Father's house which I have prepared for you. "

He said, "Come onto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Rev Tong or anyone else and has no relations at all to his internation ministry ( There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Rev Tong but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

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