Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who is Jesus? Gospel Rally Day 1 - Is Jesus just a moralist?

The first of the gospel rallies by Rev Stephen Tong, held at the indoor stadium was backed by a thousand strong choir. There was singspiration at first with a mini orchestra as accompaniment. It was the first time that I have witnessed such a big crowd singing traditional hymns with simple but beautiful music. The feeling was really great. The euphoria was not only because of the music but more because you know that there are so many others rooted in this great true faith chorusing along with you in praising God. Choir presented with a few beautiful hymns, and the time was soon passed over to Rev Tong. Below is a transcript of his sermon as recorded by me.

We often treat the most important things as not important and the unimportant things as the most important. Jesus said not to labor for food that will decay but instead seek the bread of Life from Him. Jesus Christ is the bread of heaven, is God and is the saviour of our life.

Throughout history, people have considered Jesus as unimportant, despised him, and of course the ultimate execution of nailing him to the cross. But yet there are people willing to die for him. There are two extreme reactions to Jesus. No one in history has been so loved, or so hated by man.

My mum was a christian. When I was young, I doubted if my mum's faith was true. I once accepted evolution, atheism. I began to suspect christianity. I started not to believe and had doubts. I thought to myself, what is the difference between Christianity and other faiths? Who is Jesus? There are churches all around the world praising him, worshipping him. If Jesus is but a normal man, why are there people who love him so much? If He is God, why does so many don't know him?

Jesus is the youngest religious leader at about 33 years old as compared to other religious leaders. Someone so young, whom worked for only 3 and a half years, how could he create such history?

When he died on the cross, he was deemed a failure. He didn't compose a hymn, constructed a big church or school, didn't form any christian parties, didn't manage to preach to the whole of the world, didn't influence much about education or politics...in short, the greatest failure in the world.
Sentenced to such a horrifying death, Jesus said, "It is finished." The most pitiful, most unjustly treated, Jesus Christ.

If you oppose him, it is most unreasonable as he has never committed any crime, has never set any bad example or done any evil. No one can find any reason to oppose him.

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, hence you want to kill me." In our hearts, we are not honestly seeking truth. The greatest sin is not murder, adultery or deceit. The greatest sin is getting rid of the truth of God and opposing it.
This rally does not attract you to be a christian with singers, programs or healings. Many want such pursues but all these are not from the truths of the bible. There are many such practises in big churches/gatherings but these are not based in truth. Man's tendency is to seek temporal leisures. Many big churches know that the truth does not perform well in attracting people. Hence they resort to having 'good atmospheres'. The congregation want their prayers to be heard by God.

This rally trains us to listen to what God says rather than to want God to listen to us. I hope to tell you in these four days, to be able to tell you who Jesus is.

When the truth is preached, there are two options.
1. The truth is too difficult to accept. Hence I reject it.
2. Though it is difficult, I need it. I accept it into my life.
(Difficult not referring to doctrine of salvation being difficult but rather the level of humility of man needed to accept this truth)

It segregates people into two groups. Either to love him, or to reject him.
Many do not know the truth enough. Hence, they either oppose or believe it in an haphazard manner. Both are erroneous. Both ways won't help us to understand the truth. Recently, there have been so many democratic errors. Eg. Chen Shui Bian. From a person so loved, to being so hated. Why? Because people don't really know the truth about him. We need information, complete information to come to a decision whether to place our faith in someone.
Without information, we can't haphazardly believe. Without information, more so we can't haphazardly reject.

How do I know Jesus is real? If you truly understand, its not too late. May we be humble and be illuminated by the Holy Spirit to understand Jesus. Paul once wrongly knew Jesus. But once he came to truly know him, he followed Jesus with his life. Paul was a slave to Christ till he was executed in Rome.

Throughout history, there have been many different judgements to Christ.
Is Jesus just a moralist?
Jesus is the only faultless one in history. Absolutely no one else can compare to him in matters of sexuality, money or speech. Using this benchmark, comparing to other religious leaders, all fall short. Confucius admitted he had sin. Whether Muhammed, Socrates or Shakyamuni, they all fall short. Only Jesus has claimed that he is sinless.

He told the Pharisees, "Who among you can point out my sin?" What a claim no one else can utter! No one can utter this, nor dare too. I kept thinking to myself, who is this person who dares to challenge people to point out his faults!

Which person will dare to invite fault pointing to himself in school, at work in the company? The Pharisees specifically wanted to find his faults. A man at work might seem to be a good man, but ask his wife who has been with him the longest and faults are bound to come out. His disciples who followed him are the closest people around him. They followed him from morning to night, witnessed everything he did. He also invited his disciples to point out his faults! And yet, they couldn't point out a single fault.

Is Jesus just a moralist? Yes. Had good character? Yes. Faultless? Yes. Even Judah the disciple who betrayed him proclaimed, "I have spilled the blood of the innocent." God used such an evil person to proclaim Jesus's faultlessness.

Think about the central truth of Jesus. Why was he so holy, so pure? In the book of Isaiah, chapters 40-66, Isaiah, the messenger of God proclaims of ‘The Holy One of God’. The Holy One of God was a messiah (saviour), to save the Israelites whom were exiled to Babylon, a foreign land, away from the Holy City of Jerusalem. The Israelites prayed to God to rescue them from captivity and lead them back to Jerusalem. Even more so, the Israelites needed a saviour to free them of their sin. The bondage of sin was tighter than the captivity of Babylon. God heard the prayers of His people for a saviour.

Indeed, one starry night, angels appeared and the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary saying, “tonight a saviour has been born to you.”

The Holy One of God became a man. He was different from founders of religion. Jesus was not only a founder, he was a saviour. Jesus only a moralist? He is the Holy One far surpassing a moralist.

He is the Holy One of God. Only he, is able to be termed the Holy One of God. Why is it so? Because we are all sinners. Our consciences tell us not to carry on sinning, though no one stops us from doing so. Our conscience tells us that we are sinners.

We are filthy, Jesus is Holy. The Holy One sent by God said “Come to me, with your burdens and your sins, and I will give you rest.”

Who is Jesus? Is He unimportant? Is he to be taken lightly? Your decision to the answers to theses questions will decide only your present life?

We will pass away. Our lives are but a few decades. We pay emphasis to our daily newspaper, stock prices, inflation etc. Today, listen! Have you thought about the value of your life? Jesus is God who became man in the flesh, the Holy One who came and took away man’s sin. He was crucified, taking on our sins. He came to save sinners.

Where is your soul? What about the problem of sin in your life?

Many people can witness the transformation they had experienced in their lives because of Christ. They sing for Jesus, live for Jesus. Ever heard of anyone singing or living for Confucius?

I want to preach Jesus. I preach Jesus that he will save you, not for my own good. I don’t care about my life but to only preach Christ to you. Today, we have shared Jesus from a view of a moralist.

Jesus is the only one who all sinners need. He is the Holy One, God in the flesh. Are you willing to open up your hearts? Would you be willing to respond, I have awakened, I need you, Jesus, please open up my heart to respond to you. Hence forth, you will have peace in your heart, a new direction in life.

Rev. Tong was coughing heavily towards the end of his sermon and tears can be seen strolling down his cheeks. Here was a man who was really sincere and heartfelt about the message he had just conveyed. He soon proceeded to make a call to non believers if they would be willing to accept Christ as saviour and thank God mightly, as hundreds of people proceeded to the front of the stage and made the call to accept Jesus as saviour.

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Rev Tong or anyone else and has no relations at all to his internation ministry (stemi.org). There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Rev Tong but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

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