Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nehemiah 7:6-73

19th September 2008 - Prayer Meeting. Sharing by Pastor Tang on Nehemiah 7:6-73

Pastor Tang started with a call to pray for some brethrens weak in health. First is Uncle Patrick Ang. He is in the process of chemotherapy and his cancer cells have not spread further. He has also been reading the spiritual materials provided my the church. Thank God.
Next, we prayed for Elderly brother Zhao Bai Chuan whom is 92 years of age. He was ill since two weeks ago but has since recovered. Pastor Tang encourage all to fervently pray for brothers and sisters and started his sermon.

In this week, we see the instability of the economy. Instability of weather. Instability of politics. All these are pointing to the end times. The coming of the Lord is near. Though we may be faced with such difficulties, still we continue to grow as we see the gracious hand of God on us.
Like Nehemiah, we should place emphasis on spiritual matters. There may be challenges to a life that serves. But we should not give up. A life that serves, is willing to seek God’s guidance. A life that serves, uses what he has now to serve.

There are 5 name lists in Nehemiah. The second list is in chapter 7. It might long winded but contains precious lessons. It was recorded first about 100 years ago at time of authorship of Nehemiah when Zerubabbel lead the first group of people back from exile followed by the second return led by Ezra and the third return lead by Nehemiah to rebuilt the wall.

We ponder about the numerous names in the list. Recorded in chapter seven is actually a blue print of service. A man of service is able value the gifts of other people who serve. Included in the name list are singers, priests, temple workers etc.
Nehemiah appreciated the gifts of people. When Barnabas looked for a co-worker, he looked for Paul who later surpassed Barnabas himself. Addressing the youths, he said that many youths have been borne in Christian families. From young, they have been in contact with God. Hence, the second generation is better equipped than the first generation to serve him and should serve better. We hope for the second generation to be more zealous and more gifted. Also, do not be afraid or threatened when there are people who can serve better than you.
Giving an example, Zion co-workers often help by preaching in a church outside of the Zion Missions. The preacher of this church grasps hold of preachers and pastors to help shepherd his thirsty sheep. Though he might be limited to serve in the area of sermon preaching, he is not afraid or threatened to invite others who might be more gifted in this area to serve. Hence, always give thanks for someone who is able to serve God better.
Our principle is that our lives must be a one that God favours. Most fearful is when one has a God given gift, but usage of that gift overshadows the spiritual life of the person.
We should appreciate the God given gifts of brothers and sister. Nehemiah, appreciated these people’s gifts.
v.61. “The following came up from the towns of Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon and Immer, but they could not show that their families were descended from Israel:”
These group of people do not know their genealogy. Though they might have been among the priests, it had been 170 years since the exile. Inter-marriages might have occurred during this duration. In submission to the law, these 600 plus people were excluded from the priesthood.
We have to follow God’s method. Going back to the bible and upholding the Word. Some churches do as the world does, conducting fairs, lucky draws, dances. Zion had did it once before but not ever again because of
It requires and wastes a lot of efforts
It is not according to the principles of the bible.

When Nehemiah went to Persia and came back, he saw that the Jews had compromised and was extremely furious. The Jews did businesses on the Holy day. We see the principle of service. No compromise.
In this church, after 100 years, will we still hold fast to the bible’s teachings?
The 7th principle found in Nehemiah: Appreciating co-workers.
v. 70-72. Some of the heads of the families contributed to the work. The governor gave to the treasury 1,000 drachmas [c] of gold, 50 bowls and 530 garments for priests. 71 Some of the heads of the families gave to the treasury for the work 20,000 drachmas [d] of gold and 2,200 minas [e] of silver. 72 The total given by the rest of the people was 20,000 drachmas of gold, 2,000 minas [f] of silver and 67 garments for priests.
The people saw the need of the work and supported the work. Be reminded that these people had just came back from exile, had not setup their own homes, but yet they still offered! They had done what Jesus taught “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”
They had set an example of offering. The leaders and governors led by examples in serving. v. 70-71
Nehemiah could have taken his wages and abandoned the work but no. Instead he helped his people and in doing so, set an example of service.
He had an Attitude of a Steward. The rebuilding of the walls had been completed. Nehemiah finished what had been entrusted to him. You, me, we have to fulfill what God had entrusted to us. Nehemiah once finishing the work of rebuilding the walls, handed over the rebuilding of the people’s spiritual lives to Ezra (chap 8).

God has equipped us that our lives can be of service to Him. Co-working, finishing the work that had been entrusted to us. Everyone has a duty to finish the work he has been entrusted, that God’s name be glorified. Are we in the work that God had entrusted?
Know that God place emphasis on everyone. People might soon forget us, but God remembers. In the name list, you will note that there are Gentiles. Their ancestors had once angered God.
v.25 of Gibeon 95,
v. 46 The temple servants: the descendants of Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,
v. 60 The temple servants and the descendants of the servants of Solomon 392
Salvation comes from the Jews, but the heart of God is with everyone. Everyone is precious before God. God places emphasis on everyone. He values everyone. Hence we thank God. Christians have a honored identity.
God remembers. Man might forget eg. Forgetting our grand/great parents’ names. But God knows the stars by name.
God builds His work. Zerubbabel might have started it 10 years ago but God continues His work by using Ezra, Nehemiah. John Wesley “God buries His worker, but continues His work.”
This week, 90-150 years of man’s work has failed. (Referring to Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch which collapsed/bought-over). The work of God continues and is supported by Him. Our names are in God’s list. Not only in the book of salvation, but also in the book of remembrance.

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Pastor Tang or anyone else. There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Pastor Tang but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

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