Sunday, September 28, 2008

Work of the Spirit

Work of the Spirit – 28 Sept Sunday Service, Pastor Tang
1 Corinth 2: 6-16
Pastor started with expounding on the lyrics on the hymn “Filled with the Holy Spirit.” The word charisma, or filled with the Holy Spirit might cause fear among Christians nowadays as we are wary of the Charismatic movement and its interpretations of being filled with the Holy Spirit (tongues, uncontrollable movements). But actually the word ‘charisma’ is a very meaningful word. We have to be filled with the Holy Spirit to have strength and power. The Spirit enabled us to understand God’s revealed Word and to cause us to accept God’s salvation. We proceeded to sing the hymn once through before Pastor began preaching.

Pastor Tang then started with a reminder to the congregation to be on the alert for potential strangers whom might trespass the church’s area as we are unsure of the motives they might have. If we should see any strangers in the church, refer them to Pastor. In that way, strangers would be directed to a central person, and any stranger would not be able to go around requesting for help from different persons, each thinking that the stranger needs help, but in fact, the stranger has got help previously. Of course, if he is searching for Jesus, we are more than happy to introduce him, but often, Geylang is a complicated area with many people of the wrong motives trespassing around. May God grant us wisdom.

Continuing on the book ot 1 Corinthians, the church in Corinth was chaotic. And though our church is not currently as chaotic, it does not mean that our church might not become that chaotic. Revising from chapter 1, a church must have Jesus Christ as the central focus. Anything else and that church is not a true church. The church must preach Jesus Christ and the message of the Christ as its central message. A church that does not preach Christ and its message of the cross will become chaotic, like the Corinth church, where there were divisions, some following Paul, some following Cephas, some following Apollos.

Pastor proceeded to preach about the Work of the Holy Spirit. (v 6 - v16)

6We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.
The wisdom of this age will one day come to nothing. This past week, we have witnessed the melting of the financial system. A bailout plan of 700 billion dollars USD was to resolve it and that also without a certainty. However, Paul here preached about a different wisdom. One that would not come to nothing, but everlasting.
7No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.
8None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

The Jews did not understand this wisdom. If they had did, they would not have nailed Jesus Christ on the cross. The Jews knew of course the Old Testament very well and the fact that it prophesied about a Messiah. However, the Messiah they expected was one who would seem to come mightily, free them of their political oppression, gaining them power. Hence they could not accept Jesus as Christ, which resulted in them nailing him to the cross. God has prepared this plan of salvation before time began, before the creation of anything!
9However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"[b]— 10but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
Christ and the message of the cross is a revelation of God. It is not a product of man. Not something thought up by him. God’s love for man has resulted in Him preparing this salvation. Yet, without the work of the Spirit, no one can accept this salvation. No eye can see, no ear can hear, no mind can conceive the salvation that God has prepared except by the work of the Spirit. Today, we are here listening, friends here for the very first time, it is no accident that you are here today. God has before time, elected us into His salvation. We have to grab this opportunity of salvation. The doors of salvation will one day close. Now is the time when it is still open.
Like the time of Noah, when people of his generation were sinning. God commanded Noah to build an ark on a mount! Thus people mocked him. Noah in the 120 years of building the ark, also preached of God’s coming judgement but people did not listen. In the end, the floods came and God close the door of the ark. Do note that its God who closed the ark, not Noah. There would definitely have been people knocking on the doors of the ark for it to be opened but the doors of salvation had been closed. Let us all grasp salvation now!

But God’s election, the Spirit has enabled us to accept this gift of salvation.
12We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.
The work of the Spirit also helps us to understand God’s word.
14The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Something which even the wisdom of the world can’t accept except by the working of the Spirit. There are many intellectuals in the world but yet they can’t fathom God’s word. They cannot accept it without the working of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor shared about once when he shared the gospel with an elderly whose daughter was a Christian. He shared twice with him, but he was very staunch. He did not want to believe and replied with “Do not talk about Jesus to me.” What to do? Very soon, by man’s weakness, soon started to forget about this elderly.
Later, the friend of this daughter called up Pastor telling him about the elderly falling ill. It has been a few years since.
Pastor visited, asked if he still recognized him, he nodded. He continued asking if he would like to hear about Jesus now that he is ill, he nodded again. Hence proceeded to share with him. Lastly, pastor asked if he would like to accept Jesus, he again nodded. Now pastor wanted to lead him in a prayer of confession, to repeat sentence after sentence. All the time, pastor didn’t have much confidence in him nodding needless to say now, when he had to repeat every sentence! But amazingly, the elderly repeated after him!
This was certainly the work of the Holy Spirit, pastor emphasized, not by man’s superior wisdom or eloquence.
It is by the grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, that God has freely given us the gift of salvation and the working of the Spirit in our hearts to accept this gift. Jesus as saviour.

Oh mine, on a personal note, sorry if I seem to have jumbled up or missed out on some points as I really did not have the time to take down notes during his preaching as my mind was all caught up and focused in translating for him. But I was deeply moved by his preaching of God’s Word. Also thank God that many youths whom were missing for sometime were back today. May we remain faithful till the end. Also for Simon, whom continued his pursue for God’s word. Let’s keep in prayer Bro Nicholas.

Coming Saturday in Youth Fellowship is Bible Quiz and Book Review! Youths, join in fellowship amongst one another and in service to God!

Please note that the above contents have not been vetted by Pastor Tang or anyone else. There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Pastor Tang but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to Pray

How to Pray – Pr. Lingli, 20th Sep 08 Youth Fellowship

These sermons in fellowship are really precious Words of Life! Thanks to Pr. Lingli for sharing God's word with us. Please find below transcript.

Prayer can be made anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t have to be very long, we don’t have to face any certain direction. It is very convenient. But despite these, Christians still struggle to pray to the point that they might give up prayer, not believing in prayer altogether.
How are our prayer lives?

The youth fellowship’s theme this year is “A closer walk with God.” One of the means to achieve this is through prayer. We have to maintain a close relationship with God, through communication with God, which is prayer.
Though prayer can be very simple and prayed by anyone with a truthful heart, we can learn how to pray from Jesus’s teachings. Let’s have a revision today. Let’s have more prayer warriors in YF. Let’s have a revival in YF.
What attitudes should we have in prayer?
Matthew 6:5-8
5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

Jesus showed an example of wrong attitude in praying. That of a hypocrite. V5. These men wanted to be seen praying, but prayer is not for the purpose of letting man see.
In the bible, many times it was recorded that before a meal, Jesus would give thanks for the food. He set an example for us in illustrating that one of the objectives of prayer is to give thanks. Hence, an attitude to adopt in prayer is that of thanksgiving to God. By that, it would also indirectly testify our beliefs to non-believers.
To note that God should be the focus of our prayer and not man, not for the sake of testifying to other men. In application, let us bravely pray whenever thanksgiving for food, no matter what the environment.
What attitudes should we have in prayer?

1. V6. Attentiveness. “6But when you pray, go into your room”. Find a place where you can concentrate and be attentive in prayer. Find a time where you can pray in attentiveness.

2. FAITH V9. "This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,”We can't see Our Father in Heaven but we believe by FAITH (Hebrews “Certain of what we do not see”). There are many unseen things but are no doubt real. Eg. A mother’s love, the air we breathe. The lesson of faith is taught in Hebrews 11. We have faith in God that He hears our prayers. Our God is one whom we can trust, unlike ‘gods’, money, AIA …Let’s grow closer to God. The psalmist of psalm 121 expressed his growing closer to God, growing faith in God. We see the psalmist’s faith through that psalm.
Pr. Lingli proceeded to share a testimony about her mum when she fell ill.There was a time when her mum fell ill and she urgently needed the finances for medical treatment. Back then, she was still a student in seminary and had limited means. The urgency was so great that she almost borrowed. When she was just about to borrow, miraculously the needed financing was provided. Through that experience, she learnt to rely on God. God is true.

3. V9 also teaches us on Humility in prayer. “hallowed be your name,” 愿人都尊你的名为圣We are but man. We are sinners, needing help. We are limited. Using the below parable to illustrate,
Luke 18:9-14v11The Pharisee stood up and prayed about[a] himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' 13"But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' 14"I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

4. v.10 your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Learning to Submit.Jesus prayed in Gethsemane.
He prayed when choosing his disciples.
He prayed before food.
He prayed before he was to die.
Jesus submitted to the will of his Father in Heaven. To submit is to abide by what God gives us when we do not want it. In submitting, we have to ask. “What does God want to do? ” instead of “What do I want to do?”. Through prayer, God helps us to understand His will and what he wants us to do. God’s will acts even when things might not be explicitly clear in the bible. And it is then we abide by God’s will as individuals. For example, the bible tells us to preach. To a certain individual, God’s moving in his heart might be “Should I preach in Afghanistan knowing full well the dangers?”
God’s Will act inside us individually. God’s way is the best way. We have to pray to abide by his will.

5. Persistence in Prayer
Luke 11:8 I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness (or persistence) he will get up and give him as much as he needs.
Persistence doesn’t mean repeating.
Example. Salvation of family members. We persist in praying for non-believing family members. Persistence comes into play when God does not yet provide an answer. George Mueller had 5 friends. After 5 years, 1 believed in Christ, after 10 yrs, another, after 25 years, 4 had come to Christ and finally after 52 years, 2 years after Mueller’s death did all 5 came to Christ.

Content of our Prayers – A.C.T.S.
Adoration – Worship/Praise to God
Confession - Psalm 51. A psalm we can turn to for confessing to God.
Thanksgiving - Psalm 103. Giving thanks for what we have.
Supplication - Requests. To take note that we first seek the Kingdom of God and
His righteousness. (Note that supplication comes last!)

Please keep in prayer:
-baby Declan’s health while David and family are in Brisbane.
-Tracting ministry
-Sis Peixuan’s pregnancy
-Government, authority

We can intercede for others in prayer.
Let us not pray with the wrong motives.
James 4:3When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
One might ask, God already knows, why should I still pray? Because of the A.C.T. portion!
We end our prayers with Jesus name. Jesus is our bridge to God.
Where do our prayers end up?
Rev 5:8 And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
Our prayers will be remembered. God collects our prayers.

Please note that the above contents have not been vetted by Pr. Lingli or anyone else. There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Pr. Lingli but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nehemiah 7:6-73

19th September 2008 - Prayer Meeting. Sharing by Pastor Tang on Nehemiah 7:6-73

Pastor Tang started with a call to pray for some brethrens weak in health. First is Uncle Patrick Ang. He is in the process of chemotherapy and his cancer cells have not spread further. He has also been reading the spiritual materials provided my the church. Thank God.
Next, we prayed for Elderly brother Zhao Bai Chuan whom is 92 years of age. He was ill since two weeks ago but has since recovered. Pastor Tang encourage all to fervently pray for brothers and sisters and started his sermon.

In this week, we see the instability of the economy. Instability of weather. Instability of politics. All these are pointing to the end times. The coming of the Lord is near. Though we may be faced with such difficulties, still we continue to grow as we see the gracious hand of God on us.
Like Nehemiah, we should place emphasis on spiritual matters. There may be challenges to a life that serves. But we should not give up. A life that serves, is willing to seek God’s guidance. A life that serves, uses what he has now to serve.

There are 5 name lists in Nehemiah. The second list is in chapter 7. It might long winded but contains precious lessons. It was recorded first about 100 years ago at time of authorship of Nehemiah when Zerubabbel lead the first group of people back from exile followed by the second return led by Ezra and the third return lead by Nehemiah to rebuilt the wall.

We ponder about the numerous names in the list. Recorded in chapter seven is actually a blue print of service. A man of service is able value the gifts of other people who serve. Included in the name list are singers, priests, temple workers etc.
Nehemiah appreciated the gifts of people. When Barnabas looked for a co-worker, he looked for Paul who later surpassed Barnabas himself. Addressing the youths, he said that many youths have been borne in Christian families. From young, they have been in contact with God. Hence, the second generation is better equipped than the first generation to serve him and should serve better. We hope for the second generation to be more zealous and more gifted. Also, do not be afraid or threatened when there are people who can serve better than you.
Giving an example, Zion co-workers often help by preaching in a church outside of the Zion Missions. The preacher of this church grasps hold of preachers and pastors to help shepherd his thirsty sheep. Though he might be limited to serve in the area of sermon preaching, he is not afraid or threatened to invite others who might be more gifted in this area to serve. Hence, always give thanks for someone who is able to serve God better.
Our principle is that our lives must be a one that God favours. Most fearful is when one has a God given gift, but usage of that gift overshadows the spiritual life of the person.
We should appreciate the God given gifts of brothers and sister. Nehemiah, appreciated these people’s gifts.
v.61. “The following came up from the towns of Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon and Immer, but they could not show that their families were descended from Israel:”
These group of people do not know their genealogy. Though they might have been among the priests, it had been 170 years since the exile. Inter-marriages might have occurred during this duration. In submission to the law, these 600 plus people were excluded from the priesthood.
We have to follow God’s method. Going back to the bible and upholding the Word. Some churches do as the world does, conducting fairs, lucky draws, dances. Zion had did it once before but not ever again because of
It requires and wastes a lot of efforts
It is not according to the principles of the bible.

When Nehemiah went to Persia and came back, he saw that the Jews had compromised and was extremely furious. The Jews did businesses on the Holy day. We see the principle of service. No compromise.
In this church, after 100 years, will we still hold fast to the bible’s teachings?
The 7th principle found in Nehemiah: Appreciating co-workers.
v. 70-72. Some of the heads of the families contributed to the work. The governor gave to the treasury 1,000 drachmas [c] of gold, 50 bowls and 530 garments for priests. 71 Some of the heads of the families gave to the treasury for the work 20,000 drachmas [d] of gold and 2,200 minas [e] of silver. 72 The total given by the rest of the people was 20,000 drachmas of gold, 2,000 minas [f] of silver and 67 garments for priests.
The people saw the need of the work and supported the work. Be reminded that these people had just came back from exile, had not setup their own homes, but yet they still offered! They had done what Jesus taught “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”
They had set an example of offering. The leaders and governors led by examples in serving. v. 70-71
Nehemiah could have taken his wages and abandoned the work but no. Instead he helped his people and in doing so, set an example of service.
He had an Attitude of a Steward. The rebuilding of the walls had been completed. Nehemiah finished what had been entrusted to him. You, me, we have to fulfill what God had entrusted to us. Nehemiah once finishing the work of rebuilding the walls, handed over the rebuilding of the people’s spiritual lives to Ezra (chap 8).

God has equipped us that our lives can be of service to Him. Co-working, finishing the work that had been entrusted to us. Everyone has a duty to finish the work he has been entrusted, that God’s name be glorified. Are we in the work that God had entrusted?
Know that God place emphasis on everyone. People might soon forget us, but God remembers. In the name list, you will note that there are Gentiles. Their ancestors had once angered God.
v.25 of Gibeon 95,
v. 46 The temple servants: the descendants of Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,
v. 60 The temple servants and the descendants of the servants of Solomon 392
Salvation comes from the Jews, but the heart of God is with everyone. Everyone is precious before God. God places emphasis on everyone. He values everyone. Hence we thank God. Christians have a honored identity.
God remembers. Man might forget eg. Forgetting our grand/great parents’ names. But God knows the stars by name.
God builds His work. Zerubbabel might have started it 10 years ago but God continues His work by using Ezra, Nehemiah. John Wesley “God buries His worker, but continues His work.”
This week, 90-150 years of man’s work has failed. (Referring to Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch which collapsed/bought-over). The work of God continues and is supported by Him. Our names are in God’s list. Not only in the book of salvation, but also in the book of remembrance.

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Pastor Tang or anyone else. There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Pastor Tang but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who is Jesus? Day 4

Alas, good things have to come to an end. It was the last of the four days of Rev Tong's gospel rally. During the past three days, we have indeed witnessed God using his servant mightily. How he gives his very best to serve, how he puts in his best efforts and energy into this sermons, the life, the fire in his heart, the zealousness...

Before his actual sermon, he welcomed the audience and proceeded to ask a few questions. When he asked how many of the congregation Christians attended the rally for the first time tonight, which was the last night, a large proportion raised their hands. Soon after, the stadium clapped their hands. I suppose because many felt that it was their first night here, hence to welcome them or if its a fresh pair of ears to listen to Rev Tong. The clapping of hands was quickly stopped by Rev. Tong. He was not at all praising of the clapping of hands for these first timers. He rebuked Singapore churches for being in such a deprived state, that whenever we see people, we immediately rejoice, without concerning on the quality of their spiritual lives.

Such a gospel rally comes once around in many years and yet there are many whom do not cherish these opportunities. Rev. Tong did not cut short his words of rebuke just to gain the favor of men. By God's strength and the rebuke of the Holy Spirit, let us do the same too, starting from now in this transcript, not hiding anything which might seem rebuking to man but rather, more concerned about the avoidance of the rebuking of God.

His emphasis was definitely on the deprived state of Singapore churches, so cold and death. He was deeply saddened. He asked the congregation if they felt that the past night's rallies had been successful, not the sermon, but the turnout. I believe no one could truly say yes as there was far too many vacant seats in the stadium, to little proportion of new friends, too haphazard an attitude in our worship to this One True God.

After his lectures, he started his sermon proper...

From Aceh to Medan, i traveled in a car with my luggage on the top. I was afraid that my luggage would get stolen during breaks among the journey. So i consulted my driver. We were then in the Muslim region. The driver said that the luggage was safe here. Upon entering the Christian region, i asked again but this time, to my horror, the driver did not give the same comment.

In the Christian region, there were many sins, downfalls of man. There were Christian prostitutes. They grew up in Christian families, but their lives did not reflect their beliefs. A belief which did not connect to a rational mind, that this belief is to be rationally believed, pondered and lived out.

Who is Jesus? No one in history has anyone been so good, so righteous, so holy. Jesus never compromised with religious leaders of his during his age. We cannot find these qualities in Socrates, Lao-Zi, Confucius or Mohammed.

No one has ever spoken like Jesus did. He spoke of things transcending time and space.

Rev. Tong told the story about Auguste Comte, the French philosopher, and Thomas Carlyle, the Scottish essayist. Comte said he was going to start a new religion that would supplant the religion of Christ. It was to have no mysteries and was to be as plain as the multiplication table; its name was to be positivism. "Very good, Mr. Comte," Carlyle replied, "very good. All you will need to do will be to

1. speak as never a man spoke, and

2. live as never a man lived, and be crucified, and

3. rise again the third day, and get the world to believe that you are still alive. Then your religion will have a chance to get on."

Thomas saw the divinity of Jesus. Jesus spoke and did things no one else have ever done. Unlike Christians, they may look good during church, yet at work might be more unscrupulous than others. Christ manifested himself as God.

John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 5:18 - "For this cause therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God."

John 8:24 - "I said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you shall die in your sins."

John 8:58 - "Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.'"

The Jews during the time of Jesus believed that he violated the 1st of the 10 commandments. "I am the Lord your God." They believed that he was blaspheming by proclaiming himself as God. But Jesus replied in John 8, "I have told you the truth, and hence you want to kill me." Man does not want the truth. The corrupt government does not want the truths of its corruption to be leaked out. The adulterous husband does not want the truth of his mistress leaking out. Most are afraid of the truth. Chen Shui Bian bought a high quality paper shredder and got rid of all evidences of his acts. Jesus "I have told you the truth, and hence you want to kill me."

In a bid to hide the truth, we cover ourselves with cultures, false moralities. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is near, Repent!"

Even Gandhi, every morning, would read chapters 5-7 Matthew (Why not you try reading it too!). He particular adored Jesus's teaching on the sermon on the mount. If Jesus is a lunatic, how would he bear fruits of goodness and righteousness? These same fruits have been bored by many other Christians. Some great characters in the history of man. Dr. Sun Yat Sen was a Christian. He loved his country, loved his people, hence pursued democracy for his beloved country. His democracy was as a result of the influence he had from the reformed theology in the bible.

If today, you only recognize Jesus's morality, but not his divinity, you do not yet truly know him.

All other great religious leader died buried. Only Jesus, died, resurrected and lived forever.

The thought of resurrection has never been brought out before by any other religion.

Some may say that death is the final destiny for us. If death is the final end, what is the purpose in my fighting so hard in my life?

Hence in man's consciousness, God has implanted the sense of eternity. He did not do so in animals, who live just to eat and act on their sexual instincts.

God created us not just for our temporal pleasures, but for eternal hope.

Jesus said "Because I live, you will live also."

He said, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. The person who believes in me, even though he dies, will live."

He said, "There are many rooms in my Father's house which I have prepared for you. "

He said, "Come onto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Rev Tong or anyone else and has no relations at all to his internation ministry ( There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Rev Tong but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who is Jesus? Gospel Rally Day 2

Really anticipated day 2 of the rally. To see so many of God's servants co-working hand in hand, publishing, ushering, choir, AV, counsellors, its just so inspiring to see so many people working hand in hand for the prospering of the gospel. Here's below transcript of his day two sermon.

We might think that we do not need the Lord.
The Big Question. Where will we spend eternity?

From the temporal, can we reach eternal?

From the relative, can we reach the absolute?

If death is the end of all things, why bother being good? We have an eternal spirit. Let us not only place emphasis on things temporal. Only then will our lives not be a waste.

The person most magnificent, most influential, most holy, most inspiring in cultures across the world, is Jesus.

If Jesus didn’t come, what kind of a society would we have today? Technology, science, knowledge have advanced but the sinful heart of man has remained constant. The intelligent will continue to do evil.

It is recorded in Matthew chapter 16 that in Caesarea, Philippi (a big Roman city then), a big canal was constructed to bring water to the city. Much idol worshipping had been going on in Caesarea.

Jesus asked his disciples. “Who do you think I am?” Some of his disciples replied, “Elijah”. Some replied, “One of the prophets.” Others, “You are the resurrected John.” The disciples summarized the views of people like undergraduates who often quote others in their thesis. Jesus wasn’t satisfied with their answers. He asked again. “You! Who do you think I am?” Peter replied. “You are Christ, son of the Living God.” Peter truly knew who he was. With these two short phrases, Peter summarized the teaching he had obtained in the Law and during his discipleship with Jesus.

Jesus replied, “My Father in Heaven has revealed this for you.” We can’t know Jesus from quotations. To know Jesus, just as he has said, it has to be God’s revelation to you. Hence, do not haphazardly believe, but do not haphazardly him.

We want to understand Christ. Truth will not disappear just because we do not understand or don’t believe. Truth has been there ever since. The Truth, when it is ready to be introduced to us, will be more accurate than any of man’s search attempts.

Only when God reveals, only then we can truly know Him. The revealer, and the one revealed, are the same.

Confucius, Shakyamuni both did not claim that their scriptures are from God. Mohammed, claimed that his revelation was from God.

There are two groups, 1. religion with the revealed faith and 2. religion without revelation.

Revelation comes from the God of Abraham. The Jews and the Muslims, both believe in the same God.

We want to look at true and false revelations. We have to and want to be very careful concerning revelations, lest we lose eternity.

Many times, we believe in gods because of promises of wealth or healings. Man loves to make use of gods.

Peter’s reply to Jesus, condensed the Old Testament’s doctrine into two phrases. “You are Christ, son of the Living God.”.

Socrates, Muhammad, Confucius, had many years to carry out their teachings. Jesus lived a short life in comparison. “Birds have nest, Foxes have holes but the Son of Man has no place to rest.” This person who lived such a difficult live, didn’t build any church, school, Christian army, didn’t write any hymns… yet, he inspired the greatest civilization, cultures, worshipped by so many.

Yesterday, we talked about his morality. He challenged “Who among you can point out my sin?”. Many find means in a bid to expose his weakness, but yet can’t find anyone more just, more good, more compassionate than he is.

He manifested all these qualities in his life. He surpasses all the greatest man on earth. Where lies the secret? It is because he did not come from the world.

Speech will reveal the character of a person. Speech will dictate what kind of a heart you have. A good tree bears good fruits. The things you say will show the kind of a person you are.

Those from Heaven will speak words of Heaven. Your speech will reveal your source. Jesus came from Heaven and spoke of Heavenly things. You can hear from his words the essence of Heaven and not the product of human culture. In John 3, he said, “One from Heaven speaks of words in Heaven.” John 6:33, “What I have told you, is Spirit, is Life.” Neither Confucius nor Socrates, have said that they are life. Yet Jesus in John chapter 8, proclaimed “I am the light of the world.” In chapter 14. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can go to the Father except through me.”

I believe not because of miracle healings in my old age, but because of the absolute truth. If there is such a truth, I know that I have to believe. His lifestyle, words, speech are different from that of this world’s. Let’s examine him from his words.

John chp 3. ”Came from heaven, spoke of heaven.” What’s so special about Jesus’s words? A closer examination reveals to us that surely we cannot be equating him to common man!

Matt 5:17-18, 24:35 He spoke. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but the laws of God will not.” The earth was created from nothing. Since it is a creation, it has an ending. It is not eternal.

Where does eternal things come from? For example 2+2=4 This mathematical law of addition, when did it start? Did it start at some great discovery? No. It has been there since eternity. Before the world till the end of the world, 2+2=4.

Jesus said. Matt 24:35 "Truly I tell you, not a single word will pass away." He has declared himself as the eternal one.

When I truly understood these words from Jesus, I marveled, trembled at his great words! No one has ever boldly said these things and with such authority! When you truly understand these words, you too will marvel and tremble! He said these words and with such authority because He is God! Governments, companies may change their words, but the Word of God will not change.

Hence this word is to be believed. Your faith will be built on the revelation of God. If Jesus is God, his words will contain the essence of God. Jesus transcends time. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but the laws of God will not.” "Truly I tell you, not a single word will pass away."

Jesus transcends space. Space is no matter how far the distance, it can be measured. It is finite. To be infinite means to transcend these constraints.

Jesus said, “You on earth. No matter where you are, when two or three gather in my name, …” Whether here or in Jarkarta, Jesus is present. He transcends space.

These words cannot be spoken by any great person, but our Lord, because He came from Heaven, spoke of Heaven. “Go to everywhere and make disciples of all nations.” Comparing Jesus’s words with Socrates.
Socrates “I am a citizen of the world.”
Jesus “The world belongs to me.” “When you preach to the nations, I will be with you for eternity, till the ends of the world.”

His words that transcends time and space have been said to us. Is he just a religious leader?

Jesus said to man “Come to me, I will bring you to the path of life.”

At this point in time, Rev Tong started to question Christians if they had come yesterday and for those whom were not present, where were they. He further questioned if Christians had brought non believing friends with to the rally but to his great disappointment, the number were few. He rebuked Singaporean Christians to remind them that this is a gospel rally where the objective is to bring the unsaved to Christ, not to improve on our wisdom and knowledge. He went on to say that the state of churches in Singapore is bad and we need a revival. I fully agreed with him. May faithful servants of the Lord preach and also rebuke in God’s truth.

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Rev Tong or anyone else and has no relations at all to his internation ministry ( There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Rev Tong but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who is Jesus? Gospel Rally Day 1 - Is Jesus just a moralist?

The first of the gospel rallies by Rev Stephen Tong, held at the indoor stadium was backed by a thousand strong choir. There was singspiration at first with a mini orchestra as accompaniment. It was the first time that I have witnessed such a big crowd singing traditional hymns with simple but beautiful music. The feeling was really great. The euphoria was not only because of the music but more because you know that there are so many others rooted in this great true faith chorusing along with you in praising God. Choir presented with a few beautiful hymns, and the time was soon passed over to Rev Tong. Below is a transcript of his sermon as recorded by me.

We often treat the most important things as not important and the unimportant things as the most important. Jesus said not to labor for food that will decay but instead seek the bread of Life from Him. Jesus Christ is the bread of heaven, is God and is the saviour of our life.

Throughout history, people have considered Jesus as unimportant, despised him, and of course the ultimate execution of nailing him to the cross. But yet there are people willing to die for him. There are two extreme reactions to Jesus. No one in history has been so loved, or so hated by man.

My mum was a christian. When I was young, I doubted if my mum's faith was true. I once accepted evolution, atheism. I began to suspect christianity. I started not to believe and had doubts. I thought to myself, what is the difference between Christianity and other faiths? Who is Jesus? There are churches all around the world praising him, worshipping him. If Jesus is but a normal man, why are there people who love him so much? If He is God, why does so many don't know him?

Jesus is the youngest religious leader at about 33 years old as compared to other religious leaders. Someone so young, whom worked for only 3 and a half years, how could he create such history?

When he died on the cross, he was deemed a failure. He didn't compose a hymn, constructed a big church or school, didn't form any christian parties, didn't manage to preach to the whole of the world, didn't influence much about education or short, the greatest failure in the world.
Sentenced to such a horrifying death, Jesus said, "It is finished." The most pitiful, most unjustly treated, Jesus Christ.

If you oppose him, it is most unreasonable as he has never committed any crime, has never set any bad example or done any evil. No one can find any reason to oppose him.

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, hence you want to kill me." In our hearts, we are not honestly seeking truth. The greatest sin is not murder, adultery or deceit. The greatest sin is getting rid of the truth of God and opposing it.
This rally does not attract you to be a christian with singers, programs or healings. Many want such pursues but all these are not from the truths of the bible. There are many such practises in big churches/gatherings but these are not based in truth. Man's tendency is to seek temporal leisures. Many big churches know that the truth does not perform well in attracting people. Hence they resort to having 'good atmospheres'. The congregation want their prayers to be heard by God.

This rally trains us to listen to what God says rather than to want God to listen to us. I hope to tell you in these four days, to be able to tell you who Jesus is.

When the truth is preached, there are two options.
1. The truth is too difficult to accept. Hence I reject it.
2. Though it is difficult, I need it. I accept it into my life.
(Difficult not referring to doctrine of salvation being difficult but rather the level of humility of man needed to accept this truth)

It segregates people into two groups. Either to love him, or to reject him.
Many do not know the truth enough. Hence, they either oppose or believe it in an haphazard manner. Both are erroneous. Both ways won't help us to understand the truth. Recently, there have been so many democratic errors. Eg. Chen Shui Bian. From a person so loved, to being so hated. Why? Because people don't really know the truth about him. We need information, complete information to come to a decision whether to place our faith in someone.
Without information, we can't haphazardly believe. Without information, more so we can't haphazardly reject.

How do I know Jesus is real? If you truly understand, its not too late. May we be humble and be illuminated by the Holy Spirit to understand Jesus. Paul once wrongly knew Jesus. But once he came to truly know him, he followed Jesus with his life. Paul was a slave to Christ till he was executed in Rome.

Throughout history, there have been many different judgements to Christ.
Is Jesus just a moralist?
Jesus is the only faultless one in history. Absolutely no one else can compare to him in matters of sexuality, money or speech. Using this benchmark, comparing to other religious leaders, all fall short. Confucius admitted he had sin. Whether Muhammed, Socrates or Shakyamuni, they all fall short. Only Jesus has claimed that he is sinless.

He told the Pharisees, "Who among you can point out my sin?" What a claim no one else can utter! No one can utter this, nor dare too. I kept thinking to myself, who is this person who dares to challenge people to point out his faults!

Which person will dare to invite fault pointing to himself in school, at work in the company? The Pharisees specifically wanted to find his faults. A man at work might seem to be a good man, but ask his wife who has been with him the longest and faults are bound to come out. His disciples who followed him are the closest people around him. They followed him from morning to night, witnessed everything he did. He also invited his disciples to point out his faults! And yet, they couldn't point out a single fault.

Is Jesus just a moralist? Yes. Had good character? Yes. Faultless? Yes. Even Judah the disciple who betrayed him proclaimed, "I have spilled the blood of the innocent." God used such an evil person to proclaim Jesus's faultlessness.

Think about the central truth of Jesus. Why was he so holy, so pure? In the book of Isaiah, chapters 40-66, Isaiah, the messenger of God proclaims of ‘The Holy One of God’. The Holy One of God was a messiah (saviour), to save the Israelites whom were exiled to Babylon, a foreign land, away from the Holy City of Jerusalem. The Israelites prayed to God to rescue them from captivity and lead them back to Jerusalem. Even more so, the Israelites needed a saviour to free them of their sin. The bondage of sin was tighter than the captivity of Babylon. God heard the prayers of His people for a saviour.

Indeed, one starry night, angels appeared and the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary saying, “tonight a saviour has been born to you.”

The Holy One of God became a man. He was different from founders of religion. Jesus was not only a founder, he was a saviour. Jesus only a moralist? He is the Holy One far surpassing a moralist.

He is the Holy One of God. Only he, is able to be termed the Holy One of God. Why is it so? Because we are all sinners. Our consciences tell us not to carry on sinning, though no one stops us from doing so. Our conscience tells us that we are sinners.

We are filthy, Jesus is Holy. The Holy One sent by God said “Come to me, with your burdens and your sins, and I will give you rest.”

Who is Jesus? Is He unimportant? Is he to be taken lightly? Your decision to the answers to theses questions will decide only your present life?

We will pass away. Our lives are but a few decades. We pay emphasis to our daily newspaper, stock prices, inflation etc. Today, listen! Have you thought about the value of your life? Jesus is God who became man in the flesh, the Holy One who came and took away man’s sin. He was crucified, taking on our sins. He came to save sinners.

Where is your soul? What about the problem of sin in your life?

Many people can witness the transformation they had experienced in their lives because of Christ. They sing for Jesus, live for Jesus. Ever heard of anyone singing or living for Confucius?

I want to preach Jesus. I preach Jesus that he will save you, not for my own good. I don’t care about my life but to only preach Christ to you. Today, we have shared Jesus from a view of a moralist.

Jesus is the only one who all sinners need. He is the Holy One, God in the flesh. Are you willing to open up your hearts? Would you be willing to respond, I have awakened, I need you, Jesus, please open up my heart to respond to you. Hence forth, you will have peace in your heart, a new direction in life.

Rev. Tong was coughing heavily towards the end of his sermon and tears can be seen strolling down his cheeks. Here was a man who was really sincere and heartfelt about the message he had just conveyed. He soon proceeded to make a call to non believers if they would be willing to accept Christ as saviour and thank God mightly, as hundreds of people proceeded to the front of the stage and made the call to accept Jesus as saviour.

Please note that the above contents has not been vetted by Rev Tong or anyone else and has no relations at all to his internation ministry ( There may be inaccuracies in my understanding reflected in this transcript. Hence please do not treat the contents as straight from Rev Tong but rather, it is a result of my imperfect efforts with an aim for these messages to be shared for the edification of man.
